Warning: embodiment geek post

Warning: embodiment geek post

It’s obvious to most of us that we empathise with other people and can “catch” their moods. If you’ve ever, say, sat next to that angry guy on the train or been infected by the joy of children, you know that. This (mirror neurone activated?)...
As I travel home from Moscow…

As I travel home from Moscow…

Many of us have felt like we don’t matter. That we’re not wanted. That we don’t have a right to even exist. That we have no safe home. Even with my confidence and bravado this is true for me at times, for students with abuse histories and difficult personal...

Keep it simple in 2018

Let’s keep it simple. Top tips for coming home to the body in 2018: Spend ten minutes each morning sitting still noticing your breath Do any kind of yoga a couple of times a week Eat when you’re hungry and rest when you’re tired (I know this one...
We are not made of flesh and bone

We are not made of flesh and bone

We are not made of flesh and bone; we are made of love and loss. The body is not meat; it is an autobiography. The pieces of the body are pieces of the soul – those that have touched us and those who have hurt us, places we have been and people we have cared for. The...

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