Embodiment and Pain One Day Online Event Recordings


This is the entire library of sessions from the one-day Embodiment and Pain online event, which was created to provide a multi-modal overview of approaches used to manage and heal chronic pain. Over a dozen presenters look at the identification of pain, the science behind it, and the links between pain, trauma, the nervous system and movement.

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Video recording of online workshop

This is the entire library of sessions from the one-day Embodiment and Pain online event, which was created to provide a multi-modal overview of approaches used to manage and heal chronic pain. Over a dozen presenters look at the identification of pain, the science behind it, and the links between pain, trauma, the nervous system and movement.

Topics include:

● Beyond the pain of complex trauma
● Pelvic health for women
● Release techniques working with the body’s tissues
● Polyvagal theory, yoga and pain
● The wisdom of pain
● Foundation training for chronic pain

Presenters include:

● Emory M. Moore Jr.
● Judith Blackstone
● Magdalena Weinstein
● Narelle Carter-Quinlan
● Steve Haines
● Perry Nickelston

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