Course Troubleshooting Guide

1) In case you experience any issues with logging on, or with carrying out any actions within the learning environment, these can typically be solved by clearing your browser cache

Here are guides for doing that for some of the most popular browsers:

Safari or simply press [CMD] + [ALT] + [E]

2) Occasionally you might find that doesn’t do the trick. In that case you can take one or more of the following additional steps

a) If you are logged in to the course environment click to ‘Sign out’ and sign in again after trying one or more of the below
b) Refresh your browser
c) Restart your computer
d) Clear your browser cache again
e) Use a different browser
f) Use the ‘incognito mode’ or similar of your current browser

After one or a combination of these you should be able to log in again at or do what you were trying to do.

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