*You will receive access to this event once you register, even if you have previously registered for The Embodiment Conference. Registering for this event will subscribe you to future monthly newsletters along with giving you free access to the conference. For more information see our privacy policy.

Australasian Embodiment Weekend

An Embodiment Conference two-day event.

Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 June

This event starts at 9.30am AEST on Saturday 27 June 2020 online on Zoom
(please go here to convert to your local time). You can see the schedule here

Embodiment is a birthright, a wild ride and a gentle but (make no mistake) revolutionary adventure of becoming. When we start to see the body as the most accessible aspect of ourselves, we are profoundly empowered, gaining access to our own “operating system”. We can know ourselves to a new depth, can change our state and develop our being. We cease to be victims. We connect to and influence others more effectively. We become more ethical. Simply and profoundly, we reclaim our humanity and our birthright by coming back home.

The Embodiment Conference is offering the Australasian community the opportunity to learn more about embodiment from Aussie, Kiwi and Singaporean teachers, thus building local community connections and delving into the embodiment of those with shared cultural backgrounds. We have extensive experience working online, and a large and diverse team of facilitators.

The event will be recorded and calls will be available on the resources page for 24hrs after being uploaded, and as a package to buy on the shop  24hr soon after the event.

Some of the reasons to become more embodied include:

  • To feel deeply at home and fully alive in your own skin
  • To have a choice in how you are
  • To manage your thoughts and emotions
  • To be a bit less of an arsehole, a bit more of the time
  • To have more fun and deepen EVERY pleasure
  • To be a more compelling leader, more sensitive parent, or more vibrant lover
  • To heal the shit that your parents couldn’t so that you don’t pass it on
  • To stop making everything complicated and start enjoying the simplicity of relationships
  • To be more creative
  •  To tune into a clearer sense of life purpose

Our presenters

Adeline Tien

Yoga teacher and movement educator, specialising in Restorative Yoga, somatic mindfulness and slow-movement rehabilitation

Atlas Talisman

Game designer who has designed a sensory training system to turn you into a superhuman!

Christina Dohr

Assistant trainer for Embodied Facilitator course, coach, Aikido black belt, ecstatic dance facilitator

Dan Moore

Structural Osteopath, coach and practical Embodiment with qualifications in osteopathy, acupuncture, homoeopathy, coaching, NLP, pain management, applied communications

Damien Bohler

Intersubjective and relational practices facilitator.

Jada Jane

5Rhythms teacher, dancer of life, dancing and moving through every rhythms that life offers

Kristian Stephan-Martin

Sex & Relationship Coach, Bachata Sensual Instructor, TEDx speaker & writer

Mataora Hotoke-Takirihi

Health and Medicine Facilitator who blends ancient traditions with modern knowledge, with qualifications in Traditional Maori, Chinese and Modern Western Medicine

Matiu Te Huki

Musician, playwright, workshop facilitator, Maori cultural ambassador, father of three sons

Muriel Spenceley

Vocalist who creates music for healing through the practices of connection, intention, and mindful inner listening


Narelle Carter-Quinlan

BAppSc, Founder of the Saltwater Songlines Project, Imagemaker, Storyteller, Anatomist and Yoga Therapist specialising in Scoliosis and Back Pain

Nikki Rhodes

Nikki Rhodes

Entrepreneur and co-founder of NZ Spirit Festival, Resolution NYE Festival and NZ Yoga Day under the events company NZ Spirit

Prem Kalpa & Khali Young

Transformational coaches with over forty years of collective experience doing psychospiritual practices, Facilitators of relational and embodiment work
Rani Moore

Rani Michelle

Embodiment facilitator specialising in feminine embodiment, ritual, yoga, sexuality and authentic expression

Rani Moore

Rayna Love

Entrepreneur, kundalini yoga teacher, transformation coach, mens-work facilitator, musician, health & holistic wellness explorer

Richmond Heath

Richmond Heath

Physiotherapist with a background in Pilates & Bowen Therapy & the National Co-ordinator of TRE in Australia

Shaun Nannup

Senior Aboriginal leader and Director of Wisdom in Your Life - healing through Aboriginal ways

Simon Borg-Olivier

Co-Founder of Yoga Synergy, Physiotherapist and Yoga teacher for over three decades.

Simon Thakur

Founder of Ancestral Movement with a background in evolutionary biology, rehabilitation, therapy, martial arts, yoga and meditation

Terri Ewart

Educator, facilitator and counsellor of sexuality, intimacy and pleasure

Timothea Goddard

Facilitates mindfulness meditation courses and retreats, developmental, body-based systemic psychotherapy, and trains mindfulness teachers

Tyran Mowbray

Men's health and sexuality mentor

Vincent Yong

Certified Movement Analyst (CMA) and Registered Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist (RSME, RSMT)

Our team

Renee Sheridan

Event co-host

Steve New

Event host and manager, teacher


Matthew Carratu

Event host 


Rani Moore

Rayna Love

Event co-host


All times below are in AEST time zone, you can check times for your timezone here

Remember all calls will be recorded and be freely available for 24 hrs then be available to buy in the shop


08.30-9.00: Welcome

09.00-9.50: Healing through different modalities - Mataora Hotoke-Takirihi

10.00-10.50: Yoga for Scoliosis and Back Pain: a Science Based and Integrated Body-Land ApproachNarelle Carter-Quinlan
11.00-11.50: Introduction to Embodiment - Christina Dohr

12.00-12.50: YOUR #1 Block To expressing your true nature in relationships & lifeKristian Stephan-Martin
13.00-13.50: Breath, rest and our connection with the natural worldTimothea Goddard

14.00-14.50: Mindful Singing: Co-creating healing sound with your full Self - Muriel Spenceley-Buhrs

15.00-15.50: 5Rhythms back to basics waveJada Jane

16.00-16.50: Transformative Relationships: Move from knee jerk responses of reactivity to relational integrity and deeper intimacyPrem Kalpa

17.00-17.50: Simple posture, movement and breathing techniques to improve energy and for the relief of lower back painSimon Borg-Olivier
18.00-18.50: Embodiment Discussion Panel 

19.00-19.50: Give It a Rest: A mindful somatic restorative practiceAdeline Tien

20.00-20.50: DIY Healer: feel your truth, be the light - Rayna Love



08.30-9.00: Welcome

09.00-9.50: Sacred Stance: Maori HakaMatiu Te Huki

10.00-10.50: Don't Kill the Messenger - Dan Moore
11.00-11.50: The Liberated Lover -Tyran Mowbray

12.00-12.50: Ancestral Movement - Simon Thakur
13.00-13.50: A Sense Of Play: training the senses to be ready for anythingAtlas Talisman

14.00-14.50: Feminine Embodiment: A gateway to depth in intimacy, dance and lifeRani Michelle

15.00-15.50: Embodied Relating: The energetics of relating is attention

16.00-16.50: Somatic Tools for more Juicy Embodied PleasureTerri Ewart

17.00-17.50: Tremors, Trauma and Re-Embodiment through TRE Richmond Heath 
18.00-18.50: Wisdom in Your Life: Psychological and Aboriginal WaysShaun Nannup

19.00-19.50: Emotions: The Energy of the MotionVincent Yong 

20.00-20.50: Community Integration Discussion 


You can also access the following free gifts and resources from The Embodiment Conference which you will be registered for automatically by registering for this one-day event.

Centring: Why Mindfulness alone isn’t enough – Mark Walsh
Reach Out: Body awareness training for peacemaking – Paul Linden
Working with normal people: A guide for hippies – Mark Walsh
Embodied Wisdom: Top Tips from The Embodiment Conference 2018
Making Yoga meaningful: Taking yoga off the mat – Mark Walsh

Presentations from The Embodiment Conference 2018:
Trauma and quick Embodiment wins – Betsy Polatin
Anatomy Trains – Tom Myers
Embodiment in Tantrik Yoga – Christopher Wallis

Community call: 
Creative Courage – Brooke McNamara, Rachel Blackman and Dave Rock

*You will receive access to this event once you register, even if you have previously registered for The Embodiment Conference. Registering for this event will subscribe you to future monthly newsletters along with giving you free access to the conference. For more information see our privacy policy.

This online event is sponsored by The Embodiment Conference.

An online conference and more than that…
a kickstart to a global movement.

Embodiment is about making friends with your body, and feeling at home in your skin. The conference will give you free access to the top teachers in the field, offer a community of support, and be a huge global party to be remembered.

Embodiment is an antidote to the violence, disconnection and overwhelm caused by numbing, and a return to our shared humanity. For this reason, ​our goal is to make the 20’s the embodiment decade​,​ and help humanity thrive. The Embodiment Conference is a university, a fiesta and a catalyst. In a cynical age this is a bold vision, yes, but if not now when?

TEC will again be a uniquely rich opportunity for diverse learning, and will not only help you to come home to the anchor of your body in a chaotic world: to energise and inspire you personally, but also to connect with others for whom the body matters too. TEC will use global online community, to create local communities and real-world action.

Participants have an opportunity not just to get a bunch of information, but to clarify and digest that into wisdom. Through this event you can:

• Learn from the leaders and innovators in the field

• Gain deep personal insights (we will provide a platform to help with this)

• Deepen and reboot your own practice

• Easily learn about many new areas

• Build real relationships and gain a community of support that will continue long
after the event (online and in-person).

• Have a really good time doing all this 🙂

Making embodied wisdom available to everyone, everywhere, free of charge.

The Embodiment Conference 2020

The conference is back…bigger but easier

TEC2020 has 1000 presenters, ordered into 10 channels, and we have a clever system so you can easily find what you’ll most love.

Yes 1000! We expect 100,000+ people to attend and this may actually be the largest educational event in human history. Given the huge amount on offer and that most of us are busy people, some have asked us already how we suggest accessing the feast! Here are some options:

• Just watch the “main stage” channel where 3 of the best known presenters will be daily.

• Book some time off and treat it like a face-to-face conference! We’ll be releasing the schedule weeks in advance so you can plan if you like to be organised.

• Let us pick two talks a day for you, just tell us your main area of interest and time zone and we’ll send you a “best of” recommendations

• Dip in and out randomly simply by clicking the various channels (like having the best TV ever for 12 days)

• See what’s “hot” on the Facebook group

• Buy the recordings and never need Netflix again!

The conference is totally FREE
(only recordings cost money to cover our expenses).

After subscribing you will receive a welcome email and monthly newsletters.
For more info see our privacy policy.

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