With so many benefits to reconnecting with ourselves (embodiment), others (relating) and the planet, one may ask why are we so consistently disconnected? One answer is trauma, of course. Another is that it’s a fucking conspiracy in how the world is set up. Or here’s one more: because it hurts to reconnect. Pain comes before the boon.

For many – at least, initially – there’s a huge sadness in coming home. Disconnection is numbing, so when we do reconnect, there’s a whole load of feeling to catch up on. Grief is the first one, as we realise what we’d lost. I felt this way when walking in the woods in Austria a few days ago. I came close to tears, as I thought to myself, ‘I’d forgotten how much I need nature. What was I doing?!’

We have to mourn and only then do the benefits come. That isn’t always easy, as there’s so much to deal with. Gentle hugs to you all.


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