Embodied Parenting Day

An Embodiment Conference one-day event

Saturday 25 July
This day-long event starts at 09.30 BST on Saturday 25 July 2020 online on Zoom (please go here to convert to your local time). You can see the schedule here.

*You will receive access to this event once you register, even if you have previously registered for The Embodiment Conference. Registering for this event will subscribe you to future monthly newsletters along with giving you free access to the conference. For more information see our privacy policy.

Do you aspire to be a peaceful parent, but still end up yelling at your child?

Have you read all the books, and tried every strategy, but feel like a failure because nothing seems to work?

Are you anxious about keeping your teen safe and strong in an increasingly complex world?

Who this course is for

The Embodied Parenting day is for anyone who wants to reduce family stress, increase harmony and connection, and help their children to grow, love and thrive in their relationships and communities.

When we parent with the body in mind, we learn new ways of being in connection with ourselves and our children. We can navigate even the most challenging situations with greater insight, choice and ease. We are empowered to move beyond superficial behavioural techniques and parent from a place of attuned presence, intuition, and deep understanding.

You will learn tools and practices that help you:


shift from reactive to aware parenting


reduce exhaustion, overwhelm and shame


receive nourishment, care and compassion for yourself


gain insights into your own and your child’s behaviours


transform your responses to challenging behaviour


cultivate regulation and resilience in difficult times


rediscover joy, pleasure and intimacy after birth and beyond


avoid repeating the patterns of your parents


prevent passing past wounds onto future generations


become a mindful father and nurture courageous-hearted sons into adulthood


have difficult conversations that matter (like race, sex and consent)


Afshan Tafler

Conscious Parenting Coach who helps parents to master emotional stress so they can thrive in their relationships with their kids

Andrey Pentin

Founder of Ǝmbium Agency, psychologist, coach, social worker, and mediator from Russia

Bonnie Bliss

Somatic Sexologist, Holistic Sex Coach & Women’s Pelvic Wellness Specialist

Jane Dancey

Somatic coach, senior yoga teacher specialising in women’s health and wellbeing

Kasturi Torchia

Qualified therapist, award winning Counselling Psychologist and co-founder of Esprit Concrete, Duty of Care and Mental Health Lead for Parkour UK

Kirstie Seaborne

Founder of Embodied Parent Education, Compassion Fatigue Educator and Leadership Embodiment Coach

Manal Aldabbagh

Embodied parenting educator, somatic coach, and movement facilitator

Miles Kessler

Daddy of two girls (3 and 7), teacher of meditation, Aikido, and Integral Practice. Founder of Integral Dojo.

Patty Wipfler

Mother of two, author and founder of the nonprofit “Hand in Hand Parenting,” a highly effective and connective parenting approach

Roma Norriss

Hand in Hand Parenting Instructor specialising in turning around unworkable family situations where nothing else has worked

Ruth Culver

Somatic Internal Family Systems (IFS) Psychotherapist & IFS Internal Constellations Facilitator

Ted Braude

Has served parents and their sons for almost 40 years through Embodied BoysWork


Jane Dancey

Somatic coach, senior yoga teacher specialising in women’s health and wellbeing

Kirstie Seaborne

Founder of Embodied Parent Education, Compassion Fatigue Educator and Leadership Embodiment Coach

Manal Aldabbagh

Embodied parenting educator, somatic coach, and movement facilitator


Mark Walsh

Embodiment teacher and founder of The Embodiment Conference

Steve New

Event manager, embodiment teacher

Schedule (All times BST)

Click to visit a time conversion website and see the event details in your timezone

08.30-09.00: Welcome

09.00-09.50: Ruth Culver – Freedom from Shame : IFS and the Joy of Parts

10.00-10.50: Andrey Pentin – Responsibilities: a playful approach to a serious topic

11.00-11.50: Bonnie Bliss – Expanding your Bandwidth for Sensuality, Pleasure & Curiosity within the Intensity of Parenthood

12.00-12.50: Manal Aldabbagh – Parental self-care: a necessity, not a luxury

13.00-13.50: Listening partnerships: a discussion amongst parents 

14.00-14.50: Roma Norriss – When Children are Anxious or Explosive

15.00-15.50: Kirstie Seaborne – Coping in crisis: keeping your head and senses when everyone else is losing theirs

16.00-16.50: Jane Dancey – The four elements: cultivate self-awareness, uncover habitual tendancies, and creatively add adaptability, range and resources to everyday parenting

17.00-17.50: Afshan Tafler – Transforming Anger: The Conscious Way

18.00-18.50: Discussion

19.00-19.50: Ted Braude – What’s With the Boys? Embodied Parenting the Boys for Manhood

20.00-20.50: Patty Wipfler – Shifting our Parenting Paradigm from Control to Connection and Healing

21.00-21.50: Miles Kessler – The Embodiment of Masculine Boundaries and Feminine Flow

21.50-22.00: Ending

(All calls will be recorded and freely available for 24 hrs, before being available to buy in the EFC shop.)

This online event is sponsored by The Embodiment Conference.

An online conference and more than that, a kickstart to a global movement.

Embodiment is about making friends with your body, and feeling at home in your skin. The conference will give you free access to the top teachers in the field, offer a community of support, and be a huge global party to be remembered.

Embodiment is an antidote to the violence, disconnection and overwhelm caused by numbing, and a return to our shared humanity. For this reason, ​our goal is to make the 20’s the embodiment decade​,​ and help humanity thrive. The Embodiment Conference is a university, a fiesta and a catalyst. In a cynical age this is a bold vision, yes, but if not now when?

TEC will again be a uniquely rich opportunity for diverse learning, and will not only help you to come home to the anchor of your body in a chaotic world: to energise and inspire you personally, but also to connect with others for whom the body matters too. TEC will use global online community, to create local communities and real-world action.

Participants have an opportunity not just to get a bunch of information, but to clarify and digest that into wisdom. Through this event you can:

• Learn from the leaders and innovators in the field

• Gain deep personal insights (we will provide a platform to help with this)

• Deepen and reboot your own practice

• Easily learn about many new areas

• Build real relationships and gain a community of support that will continue long
after the event (online and in-person).

• Have a really good time doing all this 🙂

Making embodied wisdom available to everyone, everywhere, free of charge.

The Embodiment Conference 2020

The conference is back…bigger but easier

TEC2020 has 1000 presenters, ordered into 10 channels, and we have a clever system so you can easily find what you’ll most love.

Yes 1000! We expect 100,000+ people to attend and this may actually be the largest educational event in human history. Given the huge amount on offer and that most of us are busy people, some have asked us already how we suggest accessing the feast! Here are some options:

• Just watch the “main stage” channel where 3 of the best known presenters will be daily.

• Book some time off and treat it like a face-to-face conference! We’ll be releasing the schedule weeks in advance so you can plan if you like to be organised.

• Let us pick two talks a day for you, just tell us your main area of interest and time zone and we’ll send you a “best of” recommendations

• Dip in and out randomly simply by clicking the various channels (like having the best TV ever for 12 days)

• See what’s “hot” on the Facebook group

• Buy the recordings and never need Netflix again!

The conference is totally FREE – (only recordings cost money to cover our expenses)

After subscribing you will receive a welcome email and monthly newsletters. For more info see our privacy policy.

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